Hello & Welcome!

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Hi, I’m Cassie. Welcome to the Life Balance Blog! As a Holistic Life Coach I’m here to help you be you, find you and love you!

I will be sharing lots of interesting and helpful articles here on my blog so please come back often and subscribe for updates x


It’s a journey

As you start to emerge from the lockdown cocoon what are you choosing?

Are you choosing fear, fury or freedom? I’m choosing freedom but it’s not been without work on yourself to get there.

It’s been a rollercoaster of emotions the last year hasn’t it? We have had to embrace the online schooling, the online team building, the online celebrating and the online meltdowns. I've tried to embrace it all and it’s definitely been a journey for me…. and continues to be. These experiences have made me appreciate things differently.

I have appreciated the mountain views on the school run and the celebrations with each small win, be it a walk with a friend, a cafe being open, getting to go to the library with my girls or giving myself space to do something for me.
We have all moved back and forth through this dance here as we navigate our way to our ‘new normal’. Each step forward has felt great, like something is expanding, new opportunities, being more aware of the pleasure we get from the small things we usually take for granted.
Yet those moments when we have had to move back, where we haven’t quite reached our target or kept stable in our numbers have been so sad. I have felt myself contract. I have briefed the loss of opportunities for our family, I’ve cried at the thought of doing this all over again and to when it may take a turn for the better and I have deeply felt the lack of choice and control and been deeply sad that there is little to no chance of us getting back to see our family and friends any time soon.

I am choosing to hold the light and the opportunity and choosing not to contract for too long. I am choosing to learn from this. I am choosing to see where these beliefs are coming from, where I may have felt this contraction before, where I may have felt lost or the need to hide. I am choosing to go back to these moments and heal them to enable me to choose to be the vision of myself I hold in the future.

I love helping my clients transform and heal their inner wounds, seeing them become the incredible vision of themselves that felt a little to far away to grasp. I love seeing them empowered and balanced in all aspects of their lives whether thats, home, relationships, work or business. Seeing them swing into the aspects of themselves that is needed for nurturing of when decisive action is required.

I have downs myself on this swing from being too much of one or not enough of another in the past and I am choosing to balance and swing effortlessly between the two in the future. Healing myself is the only way I can enable;e myself to do this.
This is a journey and only by taking the first small step can we learn to heal and grow and become the vision we hold of our best self in the future. Along the way there is expansion and contraction and that’s ok, with each of them is a lesson and an opportunity to heal what holds us win those places to enable us to grow.

I understand the being stuck
I understand the fear of growth
I understand the loss of who you are now, even with the frsutatrion, she’s a safe place.
I understand how to heal it and I understand this is a journey.

Which road are you going to take? There’s so many open to you.

More about my journey next time.


Cassie x