Cassie Mather-Reid

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Have you got it all figured out?

What do you do when you’re trying to figure life out?

You know, those times when you have so many options but you just don’t know where you belong, who you are or even what you want to be.


Do you stop doing anything at all whilst you try and figure out what is meant for you or do you go at it, full steam ahead without so much as feeling whether or not it’s right?


There are periods in your life where it’ll feel uncomfortable. You feel kind of stuck. The days just don’t seem to have the same feeling they used to.

Maybe you’re just at that cross roads and you just don’t know what’s meant for you right now but you know it isn’t what you’re doing.


These moments aren’t unusual but it’s how we approach them and how we can learn from them that’s important.


When you hit these moments where change seems inevitable but you don’t know what that looks like you can approach them in a number of ways to try and figure out what is made for you.


1.     Reflect on how you are feeling now. Can you pinpoint anything specific that you are unhappy with?

2.     What has changed for you recently that has made you question where you are at?

3.     How are you responding to this current situation?

4.     Can you visualise how you would like to feel in the future?

5.     How could you start to make steps towards making that happen?


When you can spend some time looking into the points above it’s a really helpful exercise to help you focus on where you see yourself in the future without focussing too much on the disconnect you are feeling now.

It also gives you the chance to start to make small steps towards that goal.
Feeling into that future version of yourself and knowing that you can create the life you live.

If you are ready to face forward and take action, send me a DM or drop me a comment below